Lyran Intelligence Corps
Lohengrin – one out of six major branches of the Lyran Intelligence Corps – is tasked with counter-terrorism and, through the use of Strategic Local troopers, act as SWAT teams in sensitive or difficult police crises. The Lohengrin maintains the strictest and most specific background requirements with all recruits required to be orphans with no family ties. As the mission set of Loki and Lohengrin are quite similar, the two units often train with and against each other to improve performance. Lohengrin units are famous for their drive, fanatical patriotism, and loyalty matched or surpassed only by the ISF’s DEST units. During the reign of Katherine Steiner-Davion, Lohengrin was commonly directed against “terrorists” who typically had expressed public distaste for the Archon-Princess.

Free Rasalhague Republic
The Free Rasalhague Republic was a nation that arose in the aftermath of the Fourth Succession War when the Draconis Combine granted freedom to its seditious Rasalhague Military District. The young nation enjoyed less than two decades of independence before being almost totally overrun by the Clans during Operation REVIVAL. A rump state of seven worlds existed as a de facto ComStar protectorate until the 3070s when it chose to merge with its brethren in the Ghost Bear Dominion, a fusion which ultimately led to the founding of a hybrid Clan-Inner Sphere nation known as the Rasalhague Dominion in 3103.

House Steiner
House Steiner is the dynastic ruling house of the Lyran Commonwealth, which is one of the five Successor States of the Inner Sphere. Founded in 2341 as a union of three smaller mercantile alliances, the Commonwealth has traditionally been regarded as the wealthiest of all Successor States. For a time, the Lyran Commonwealth joined together with the Federated Suns to create a new superstate, the Federated Commonwealth, which dominated the Inner Sphere during the thirty-first century. However, internal divisions and other factors eventually led to a break and forming of the Lyran Alliance.

House Davion
House Davion is the dynastic ruling family of the Federated Suns, which has traditionally been the most powerful and largest of the Successor States to occupy the Inner Sphere. For a time, the Federated Suns joined together with the Lyran Commonwealth to create a new superstate, the Federated Commonwealth, which dominated the Inner Sphere during the thirty-first century. However, internal divisions and other factors eventually led to a break.

1st Cuirassiers
Long after the fall of the Rim Worlds Republic, large parts of its former territory fell under the control of the Oberon Confederation: a pirate kingdom. Only its closest outskirts towards the Lyran Commonwealth could be successfully annexed by the troops of LCAF. Rebellions and local military coup attempts against the new leadership by Oberon were the result of the strong rift that prevailed within the elements of the former republic armed forces on many planets. A common question arose among them: should they really swear their loyalty to some king of pirate scum and carry out criminal actions in his name or support any of his shady
businesses? In their eyes, this would stain their oath to fight for the past values of the long fallen republic. As one of the given results of this long-winded unrest, some elements of the Paulus Guards split off on their own initiative in the year 3030. They took personnel as well as mechanized equipment and fled to the newly annexed area of the commonwealth. Since their warm welcome by the Lyrans, they pledged their loyalty to House Steiner in order to serve as mercenaries.

The Man-Eaters are a fearsome pirate band with roots tracing back to the Amaris Dragoons of Apollo Province, once loyal servants of the Rim Worlds Republic. Following the Republic’s collapse, the remnants of these warriors turned to piracy, blending their military discipline with ruthless opportunism. Known for their savage tactics and brutal efficiency, the Man-Eaters thrive on raids and mercenary contracts, often targeting fringe territories. Recently, they’ve found a lucrative partnership with House Kurita, leveraging their intimate knowledge of periphery space to execute covert strikes and special retrieval missions. This unholy alliance has led them to prey upon a long forgotten SLDF weapons depot on planet Iron Land.

House Kurita
House Kurita was the ruling house of the Draconis Combine Successor State since its founding in 2319. The Draconis Combine as one of the five Successor States of the Inner Sphere, has been a state oriented towards war as its primary means of expansion and acquiring power. The nation was formed after the campaigns of Shiro Kurita resulted in an empire forged by conquest, and his successors maintained this militaristic outlook through the Age of War and even into the relatively peaceful Star League years. Throughout the Succession Wars the Combine proved itself a military powerhouse of the Inner Sphere, posing formidable challenges to the neighboring Lyran Commonwealth (House Steiner) and Federated Suns (House Davion).