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Mercenaries (1st Cuirassiers)


Long after the fall of the Rim Worlds Republic, large parts of its former territory fell under the control of the Oberon Confederation: a pirate kingdom. Only its closest outskirts towards the Lyran Commonwealth could be successfully annexed by the troops of LCAF. Rebellions and local military coup attempts against the new leadership by Oberon were the result of the strong rift that prevailed within the elements of the former republic armed forces on many planets. A common question arose among them: should they really swear their loyalty to some king of pirate scum and carry out criminal actions in his name or support any of his shady businesses? In their eyes, this would stain their oath to fight for the past values of the long fallen republic. As one of the given results of this long-winded unrest, some elements of the Paulus Guards split off on their own initiative in the year 3030. They took personnel as well as mechanized equipment and fled to the newly annexed area of the commonwealth. Since their warm welcome by the Lyrans, they pledged their loyalty to House Steiner in order to serve as mercenaries.